About Radio Forecast Network

All About Us

RFN provides the complete hands-free audio package: Your stations’ forecasts are delivered complete with YOUR stations’ imaging AND local sponsor ID “baked” into the open and close of each feed.

Over 80 RFN meteorologists and weathercasters provide any length weathercast with or without a wxbed or wxjingle. Your automation system simply “grabs” each feed from our servers and updates the files throughout the day…24/7…totally automated and hands-free.

RFN can handle forecasting ANY weather condition for EVERY region including some stations with coverage maps that include THREE separate climates. We also offer stand-alone hurricane alerts for use as separate feeds.

Your Sales Department can “Ring the Cash Register” with our Service:
In 2004 RFN had a vision to provide to radio stations accurate, updated, studio-quality weather forecasts across all dayparts with the intention of empowering the radio stations’ sales department to sell local weather sponsorships. This is the secret to our success---YOUR SUCCESS! If you can sell weather sponsorships, we can include the copy in each feed. We can provide a DIFFERENT sponsor for EACH feed.

Traffic fulfillment is the easiest in the industry: Our proprietary software, MediaAdPro™, provides the easiest solution for the bartered inventory your stations provide in exchange for our service.

Insertion Orders: Your traffic department can log on every Thursday to see a Week-at-a-Glance view of the following Monday though Sunday’s schedule. This digital insertion order includes hyperlinks to each commercial and pre-set air-times in each daypart. You have the functionality to edit those times for each day of the week and our software will remember where you choose to air our spots. In other words--- “set it and forget it”.

Affidavits: Our Proof-of-Performance Affidavit function provides a “ONE-CLICK” verification of airing our inventory. Every week it should take traffic approximately 10 seconds to process Affidavits. Many traffic directors have commented that MediaAdPro™ is the easiest software and fastest processing of all content providers---especially for clusters with multiple stations.

Radio Forecast Network began providing weather forecasts to TWO radio stations in TWO states on February 4th, 2004. Since then we have grown to nearly 300 stations in over 40 states.

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